Latest Delegate News

Anzac Day 2024 In Snowy Monaro
Speed Camera Dispute Nearing Settlement
You’re invited to join Southern’s new Network community engagement committees
Update On Rescheduling Of Bromoxynil Products
Baltimore bridge collapse: a bridge engineer explains what happened, and what needs to change
Council Hours And Closures Over Easter
Introducing new Australian Chief Veterinary Officer Dr Beth Cookson
Virtual Service Brings 24/7 Medical Care Closer To Home
NSW latest virtual service brings 24/7 medical care closer to home
Council Decides: March Ordinary Meeting
Commission welcomes new Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Social Justice Commissioner
Vale, Ms Sylvia Faram AM
Australian Prime Minister MUA Quadrennial Conference
Sound Future For Music In NSW
Progress update: Bombala and Delegate water treatment plants
100 years of World Organisation of Animal Health
Roundtable Discussion at Lusail University on University Contributions to Achieving Sustainable Development Goals in Qatar
Bombala area bin collections delayed by 24 hours due to Christmas Day
Delay to Bombala, Cathcart and Delegate kerbside waste collection
Upgrades & maintenance on sealed section of Mila Rd nearing completion
Current facility closures due to flooding
It’s beginning to look a lot like burnout. How to take care of yourself before the holidays start
Kerbside bin collections delayed in Bombala, Cathcart and Delegate
Council springing into action on Snowy Monaro roads this November
Impact and Consequences of the Current Situation in the Gaza Strip/Palestine in All Aspects of UNESCO’s mandate (“Yemen/Arab Group Gaza Resolution”)
Appointment of Australian Ambassadors
Expressions of interest Bombala Racecourse Grazing Licence
Health workers accept pay equity settlement achieving average pay increase of 20%
Delay to Bombala, Cathcart and Delegate kerbside bin collection today
Crimes Committed in Sudan by Rapid Support Forces, Allied Militias Undermining National, Regional, International Stability, Delegate Tells Security Council
Retirement of Australia’s Chief Veterinary Officer
Tree-mendous National Tree Day in Delegate
Geelong West brigade looks back on 140 years of history
Council’s huge year of major road projects, upgrades and repairs
Nurses gather in Adelaide for learning and leadership
Nurse Maude home care and support workers rally for fair pay and better working conditions
Library and council workers rally for better wages and working conditions
Extended: Delegate Transfer Station temporary operating days & hours
Instrument of arrangement: Use of computer program to make decisions, July 2018
PSA library workers celebrate deal to support longer hours at new Marlborough Library
Book Council campgrounds and caravan parks online with Newbook
Repairs scheduled for Springfield Road
Snowy Monaro Anzac Day 2023
Project Update: Palarang Bridge deck upgrade
International Women’s Day celebrated across Snowy Monaro
Global treaty on pandemic prevention, preparedness & response
Snowy Monaro Mobile Library back on road
Summary of Council’s 13 March 2023 Ordinary Meeting