Latest ETH Zurich News

Artificial Muscles Propel Robotic Leg To Walk And Jump
Manchester leads European consortium to innovate cable technology for a greener power grid
Awards all around: AI in mathematics, microscopy and climate research
Clean Fuel For Climate-neutral Heavy Vehicles
Sydney a logical choice for $10 million grant to suppress quantum errors
Scientists make nanoparticles dance to unravel quantum limits
High energy irradiation used to investigate advanced material for power electronics
2023 – year of climate extremes
New Centre for “Modern and Contemporary Studies” at JMU
Spiden Announces Breakthrough in Non-Invasive Glucose Monitoring, Adds Key Executive Hires and Secures $15m in Additional Funding
Leibniz Prizes for two Max Planck scientists
Taking insects on Virtual Journey
Poop, Pee and Microbes: The Complicated Ecology of Pit Latrines
Four Synergy Grants for five Max Planck researchers
Tiny networks intertwine to mimic design of bird colors
Gene Editing in Human Stem Cells and Neurons Reveals Links Between Genome Organization and Autism
Intense Lasers Shine new Light on the Electron Dynamics of Liquids
New modeling method helps to understand extreme heat waves
A Glimpse into the Very First Processes that Could Have Formed Life on Earth
Scientists Have Full State of Quantum Liquid Down Cold
New research cracks climate-change mystery of Antarctic sea ice
Researchers flip switch on electric control of crystal symmetry
Cornell, Oxford to lead grants aimed at boosting iron nutrition
Anthropologists Find New Ways Female Bones Are Permanently Altered After Giving Birth
Monash Commission recommends global pursuit of deliberate strategies to grow and enhance intermediary cities
Secret of cells could be in their yo-yo-like tendencies
Three new Dioscuri Centres to be launched in Krakow, Poland
Millions in European funding for Max Planck early career researchers
Geneva Becomes Brewing Ground for Innovative Ideas on How to Mainstream Climate Change Language
World-first study challenges impact of net mangrove loss on climate change
One of world´s three most powerful high-resolution 1.2 GHz NMR spectrometers comes to Göttingen
Data reveals effect of pandemic on ceasefires
Max Planck ETH Center for Learning Systems extended by five years
Oldest Upper Paleolithic Homo sapiens in Europe
Henni honored by Society of Architectural Historians
New study allows Brain and Artificial Neurons to link up over web
Digital work design will benefit future workforce
Measuring changes in magnetic order to find ways to transcend conventional electronics