Latest nzpol News | Page 26

Manufacturing sales shrink during COVID-19 lockdown
Labour fails on electric vehicles
Job loss figures reveal grim reality of COVID lockdown
One in 14 employed people report high risk of losing jobs
Ardern’s defence of Shaw sends terrible spending message
Four in 10 employed New Zealanders work from home during lockdown
Job loss figures show scale of economic challenge
COVID-19 slows building activity
Stop slow drip feed and come up with a plan
Investing in first 1000 days
Labour puts saving own skin ahead of sensible spending
Ethnic group summaries reveal New Zealand’s multicultural make-up
Shovel ready fund, or just another slush fund?
COVID-19 knocks spending by overseas visitors and students
Export prices hit new high
Government hiding cannabis reports
Consents for new homes remain high
NZIST deficit shows Govt shouldn’t be pushing ahead
Govt fails to deliver for mental health as need grows
Seven day 3 tests – how many are being missed?
Government’s economic claims ring hollow
National works to support Southland jobs
Mid-winter fall in job numbers
Govt should make Day 3 isolation tests compulsory
Hipkins must explain school funding hypocrisy
Transport drives households’ carbon footprint up
PM avoids addressing risk from ships’ crew
Freshwater reforms need to work with farmers and community
Disabled people fare worse in work and wellbeing
Crude oil imports dry up in July
Incomes fall for first time on record
Another hole in Government’s border defences
Govt takes no responsibility for costly lockdown
National will reinstate funding for Louise Nicholas
Minister missing in action
Retail sales plummet in lockdown
Fewer women working in tourism industries
Labour fails to plan for primary sector
Government refusing democratic process
Securing New Zealand’s border against COVID-19
Unclear Govt advice could cost businesses thousands
Just a minute, Prime Minister
Parliament’s Health Committee must return
COVID-19 pandemic knocks down producers’ prices
Government needs to sort out Auckland border mess
Unemployed people less satisfied with life
Kiwis paying heavy price for Govt border failure
National Party acknowledges new election date