Latest synthetic biology News

CSIRO and Murdoch University launch Bioplastics Innovation Hub to end plastic waste
Transitioning World’s Biggest Companies To Net Zero
Colorado State University Joins CROPPS
How genetically modified flies can reduce waste and keep it out of landfills
Nation’s food security tackled through new institute
New Institute To Tackle Nation’s Food Security
Addition to the CRISPR Toolbox: Teaching Gene Scissors to Detect RNA
Motor For Cell-free Metabolism
TRISH selects projects to advance the readiness of medication production in deep space
Unlocking World Of Bacteria
Monash University and Thermo Fisher Scientific strengthen strategic collaboration
FinalSpark Launches the First Remote Research Platform Using Human Neurons for Biocomputing
Should we fight climate change by re-engineering life itself?
Three QUT Researchers Awarded NHMRC Investigator Grants
Antimicrobial Agents Of Future
Transformative policies and anticipatory governance are key to optimising benefits and managing risks of new emerging technologies
La Trobe University Helping To Grow Plants On Moon
Plants to be grown on the moon when humans return
Student club iGEM TokyoTech seeks crowdfunding with goal to win international competition
CSIRO Breakthrough To Boost Disease Resistance In Crops
Synthetic biology advances to generate $30B opportunity for Australia
Low-cost microbe can speed biological discovery
Game changing gene therapies focus of £14m research hub
The Technical Advisory Group on the Responsible Use of the Life Sciences and Dual-Use Research meets for the first time
Major study finds potential drug target for lowering cholesterol
Little bacterium may make big impact on rare-earth processing
Funding boost to help Curtin researchers fight disease on two fronts
Leibniz Prizes for two Max Planck scientists
Microba completes stage one screening for its autoimmune disease program
Engineering ancestral antibiotics for the future
New order for brewer’s yeast
Scientists one step closer to re-writing world’s first synthetic yeast genome, unravelling the fundamental building blocks of life
Medical innovations and environmental projects receive Australian research funding
Residue from household disinfectants may be leading to drug resistance in deadly bacteria
The University of Manchester secures major bioscience funding to harness the activity of microbiomes for a more sustainable future
Queensland and Japan universities to continue energy innovation
Overcoming the challenges to synthesising iron-sulfur proteins outside the glovebox
Electricity driving life
Genetically engineered bacteria can detect cancer cells in a world-first experiment
New technology promises rapid and reliable development of new diagnostic tests
Research to merge human brain cells with AI secures prestigious grant funding
Research to merge human brain cells with AI secures national defence funding
Bioengineered Yeast Feed on Agricultural Waste
Hungry caterpillars: synthetic biology holds the key to infinite plastic recycling
Fungi power project leads $3 million in Federal funding grants
Wiggly proteins guard genome
Teamwork makes superbugs more drug-resistant and deadly
UWA sustainability projects win national funding