Wardell Wharf Reopens On NSW’s Far North Coast

The Wharf suffered significant damage during the 2022 flood events. Thanks to Ballina Shire Council’s project team and support from the Albanese and Minns Governments, the Wardell Wharf has been restored and is ready for the community to enjoy once again.

The $1.50 million project received joint funding of $1.03 million from the Australian and NSW Governments through the Disaster Recovery Funding Arrangements, with Council providing $470,000. The funding is administered by NSW Public Works Advisory and the NSW Reconstruction Authority.

The works included repairing the damaged wharf and boardwalk piles and installing new armouring along the riverbank near Wardell Wharf.

This reopening marks the successful conclusion of a significant rejuvenation project aimed at restoring a cherished landmark.

Restoring such an iconic piece of infrastructure is a sign the region is getting back on track after the 2022 floods.

/Public Release. View in full here.