Western Grower Input Sought At GRDC Summer Forums


Western Australian grain growers are invited to share their on-farm challenges with the GRDC National Grower Network (NGN) as part of summer forums being held across the grainbelt early next month.

Kicking off in Mingenew on February 17, the upcoming series will head east to Beacon (February 18) before moving south to Rylington Park (February 19).

The NGN is the ‘front door’ for grain growers and advisers to engage with GRDC and have their say on research, development and extension (RD&E) priorities.

GRDC grower relations manager Luke Dawson said the events provided a key opportunity for growers, advisers and industry professionals to contribute ideas and raise local issues directly with GRDC.

“These forums aim to gather valuable insights and feedback from growers, providing them with a platform to share ideas and outline their needs and challenges,” he said.

“This insight is crucial to ensuring that GRDC’s research, development and extension (RD&E) is effectively addressing the real-world challenges faced by the grain-growing community.”

Mr Dawson said NGN forums also presented an opportunity for GRDC to share information including the latest results from investment in their region, as well as new insights, approaches, tools and technologies.

mike ashworth

Dr Mike Ashworth from the University of Western Australia is part of an impressive speaker line-up across the GRDC National Grower Network summer forums. Photo: GRDC

Planned presentations include:

  • Dr Mike Ashworth, University of Western Australia – Pre-emergent herbicide findings, adaption of radish to harvest weed seed control strategies, Next Gen Weed Management project (Mingenew)
  • Nick Eyres, agronomist – Legumes in the Northern Agricultural Region (Mingenew)
  • Ashton Hagboom, SLR Agriculture – Long Coleoptile Wheat project (Beacon)
  • Jason Bradley, Department of Primary Industries and Regional Development – Barley disease and the economics of spraying in the low rainfall (Beacon)
  • Nick Poole, Field Applied Research (FAR) Australia – Winter wheat agronomy (Rylington Park)

All growers, advisers and industry representatives are welcome to attend and contribute to these free-of-charge forums. Registration is essential.

Event details

/Public Release. View in full here.