Statement from the Hon. Bill Shorten MP, Minister for the NDIS and Government Services and Member for Maribyrnong

Dept of Social Services

Following on from my announcement in September of last year that I would not be seeking a 7th term in the Australian Parliament, I will be standing down as the Member for Maribyrnong and from the Australian Cabinet from the 20th of January.

Next Monday the 20th of January will be my final day as the Minister for the National Disability Insurance Scheme and Government Services, and as the Member for Maribyrnong before I commence my new role as Vice Chancellor and President of the University of Canberra.

This allows me time to start my new role just before students commence their 2025 academic year. In addition, because my resignation will be within 120 days of a federal election, there will be no need for a byelection in Maribyrnong.

My six terms and more than 17 years as a Member of the Australian Parliament have been an extraordinary experience and I leave knowing I have tried my hardest every day for the voters of Maribyrnong and indeed for every Australian. Leading the great Federal Labor Party for six years has been a particular privilege of my service in Parliament.

I thank the people of Maribyrnong and the people of Australia for their tremendous support from 2007. It’s been an honour to serve and I’m proud of all we have achieved together.

The Prime Minister announced this morning that, on my departure, Amanda Rishworth will become Minister for the National Disability Insurance Scheme, and Dr. Anne Aly is to become the Minister Assisting the Minister for the National Disability Insurance Scheme.

As I said in September, forming and reforming the NDIS has been one of my proudest achievements in public life and I know it will remain in good hands under a Labor Government. I want people with disability to know they will be as important to this Government today as they have been since I have been Minister.

Senator Katy Gallagher is to become the Minister for Government Services where she will manage Services Australia, of which I have had the distinct pleasure of overseeing and also reforming following the Liberals’ Robodebt Scheme disaster.

These are all excellent appointments and show the strength and depth of the Albanese Labor Government.

On a final note, I am excited about the future and look forward to contributing to the best interests of Australia as Vice Chancellor of the University of Canberra, where I intend to be a champion of all Australians, in particular the students, staff and Canberra community, who cherish education and want higher education in our country to be as accessible and dynamic as it is world leading.

/Public Release. View in full here.