Latest affordability News | Page 53

“Our housing system is fundamentally broken” – Greens respond to Anglicare Rental Snapshot
98% of rental properties out of reach of minimum wage workers: Report
ACA applauds ALP’s policy to drive affordable early learning for families
A fairer way to pay for power in Aboriginal communities
Built environment can drive energy efficiency gains
Plugging in right policies for cleaner cars
Homelessness and population growth
Affordable apartments will complement Bayswater METRONET
NBN marks 10 years. On track for 2020 completion
NBN affordability a growing issue
Hodgman’s inept handling of housing crisis demands Parliamentary Inquiry
Government taxes driving up rents for Kiwis
Cancer Council welcomes federal Oppositions landmark $2.3b cancer care plan
Cancer Council welcomes federal Opposition’s ‘landmark’ $2.3b cancer care plan
Morrison and mates turn their back on Queensland’s housing needs
Federal Budget gets an ‘F’ for Education Funding
ASA welcomes Federal Budget – better access and affordability of ultrasound for Australians
Health Budget 2019: cash splash beats long-term reform–again
Beyond rhetoric, urgent need to reclaim fair-go society – Brotherhood of St Laurence
Government turns its back on people who have least, and guarantees more cuts to essential services
ALP announces Electric Vehicle Policy
Medibank and ahm helping regional and rural customers
University research provides economic, health and social benefits according to EI 2018 report
More work needed to make electricity prices affordable
Glossy brochures and spin will not house homeless Tasmanians
Homelessness figures in Australia are a ‘disgrace’
Putting death tax back on agenda
Australian Greens announce commitment to a 21st Century NBN
New ideas for more diverse housing in city
Energy policy: politics and practicalities explained
Consultation continues on future of sport, active recreation and healthy living
Hodgman’s housing crisis pushing more families out into cold
Tasmania bucks national trend with strong housing results
Govt won’t rule out taxing family home
Response to regional airfares inquiry continues to progress
An Advance on Australian Politics
Home care on a budget
Spiralling out-of-pocket health costs biggest worry for seniors
New Homes And More Jobs In Our Fastest Growing Areas
New CEO For Development Victoria
Jemena seeks feedback on five-year Vic electricity plan