Latest infectious disease News | Page 2

Transformative $9.87m project to improve indoor air quality in Victoria 
Babies infected with syphilis are part of a growing tragedy – one that could be easily prevented
Hospital-acquired infections are rising – here’s how to protect yourself in health care settings
WHO teams up with IOC and France to support healthy Paris Olympics
It’s Time For Action now to end viral hepatitis in Queensland, say local health leaders on World Hepatitis Day
Act now to end viral hepatitis in NSW – A call to action on World Hepatitis Day
Republicans wary of Republicans – how politics became a clue about infection risk during the pandemic
Bartonella and Babesia Co-Infection Detected in Patients with Chronic Illness
WHO celebrates milestone of influenza preparedness in South-East Asia Region
Tackling malnutrition and zoonotic diseases in Timor-Leste
Release Of AIHW Flagship Report: Australia’s Health 2024
Australia a world-leader on health, but chronic disease is on the rise
Crucial cleaning staff receive Liberal-Lambie cuts 30 June 2024
Dr Nancy Wang Named Inaugural Ruth Bishop Fellow
Measles Case In Adelaide 18 June 2024
What’s Next for the Future of Immunisation?
How equipped is New Zealand to manage bird flu? | University of Canterbury
Wastewater surveillance reveals pathogens in Detroit’s population, helping monitor and predict disease outbreaks since 2017
Summertime can be germy: A microbiologist explains how to avoid getting sick at the barbecue, in the pool or on the trail
Bartonella DNA Found in Blood of Patients With Psychosis
EnGeneIC and Singapore Institute of Advanced Medicine Holdings Forge Strategic Partnership to Revolutionise Cancer Treatment in Asia
JCU Researcher has sights on universal protection for flu
Year Of Change And Development
PolyU-nurtured startup takes lead in implementing territory-wide large-scale liver disease screening programme As the first participating institution, PolyU drives translation of research…
Fighting MND: Backing Great Cause And Great Victorian
Dead & Company concert funds $800K for new climate solutions
WHO and France convene high-level meeting to defeat meningitis
Australian veterinarians are essential to the health and wellbeing of Australian communities
Parrot fever cases amid a ‘mysterious’ pneumonia outbreak in Argentina – what you need to know about psittacosis
Leading health agencies outline updated terminology for pathogens that transmit through the air
Bacteria Behind Meningitis In Babies Explained
Measles Case In Adelaide 11 April 2024
Measles Case In Adelaide
Writing Final Chapter In Fight To End TB
NSW Health consults with staff on updating COVID-19 vaccination requirements
CSIRO announces the appointment of new Australian Centre for Disease Preparedness director
CSIRO appoints new Australian Centre for Disease Preparedness Director
As the pandemic turns four, here’s what we need to do for a healthier future
Eliminating Malaria Requires New Solutions
Babies use their immune system differently but efficiently
International Pathogen Surveillance Network launches catalytic grant fund for pathogen genomics
What is Alaskapox? A microbiologist explains the recently discovered virus that just claimed its first fatality
Children’s lives threatened by rising malnutrition in the Gaza Strip
Lizards, elephants and hanging with Hermione: Jess’s journey from UniSC to Oxford
Studying elephants and hanging with Hermione: how looking at lizards led Jess to a PhD at Oxford
WHO reports outline responses to cyber-attacks on health care and the rise of disinformation in public health emergencies