Latest insect News

State Rose & Garden Show
Early Detection Of Mosquito Virus In Kimberley
Things to do: Insectapalooza, nature walk, music and storytelling
Cercocarpus Ledifolius Var. Intricatus ‘DoubleDown’
How To Keep Your Baby Trees Alive And Thriving
Fire Ant Morning Tea With Dr. Robert Puckett
Magpie Swooping Season: Bayside 16 August
Transient structure in fly leg holds clue to insect shape formation
Public Invited To Fruit Fly Session
Mosquito warning to travellers and community members in northern WA
The fascinating sex lives of insects
Why Do Fireflies Light Up? And How Can I Bring More Fireflies to My Yard?
Getting Your Garden Ready For Winter
Mosquito-borne Virus In Gascoyne And Pilbara Regions
Update – Fire Ants In South Murwillumbah
First case of mosquito-borne flavivirus encephalitis in WA in 2024
Hudson Valley Lab Ramps Up Battle Against Invasive Pest
Detox Your Home This Autumn
Social restructuring in harsh conditions promotes cooperative behaviour in songbirds
Unfurling Fabric Of Annemieke Mein On Her 80th Birthday
Mosquito-borne Virus Detected In Pilbara Region
New trial underway to continue management of Papaya mealybug
Territorians urged to protect themselves against mozzie bites ahead of Easter long weekend
Posties Dodging More Than 200 Hazards Day
Mosquito warning for Kimberley residents and Easter travellers
Robber flies track their beetle prey using tiny microbursts of movement
Concerns delays in funding compromising Red Imported Fire Ant eradication program
Volunteers ‘plant It Up’ At Lake Pillans
Do you have a chorus of crickets in your backyard? Here’s why
Protect yourself from mosquito-borne disease
Putting bite on mozzie breeding sites
What are fire ants and why are they so dangerous?
The one product every parent forgets to add to their back-to-school shopping list
Take Precautions Against Buruli Ulcer This Summer
Mass of mosquitoes on move
Fastest swimming insect could inspire uncrewed boat designs
Cyclone brings flooding and swarms of mosquitoes. It only takes one bite to pick up Ross River or Dengue viruses
Early start in war against mozzies
Traveller helping keep our industry safe
Westerfield Drive Sensory Playspace wins national award
Protect against Japanese Encephalitis virus with free vaccine
Power of citizen scientists: We need you
Discovery: ferns produce crop-saving insecticide
Life in our Cemeteries event at Rocky Hall: Bega Valley
Insect Cyborgs: Towards Precision Movement
Petals off, nets on – time to protect your harvest
Provider selected for Batemans Bay Medicare Urgent Care Clinic
Call for comment on a new type of genetically modified corn