Latest refugees News | Page 3

Inga’s Latvian Reflections Woven Through Exhibition
Lease Opportunity In Council-owned Norlane Buildings
Tackling Social Isolation And Loneliness
ActionAid “categorically denounces” the reported forcible transfer of millions from Rafah to so-called “humanitarian islands”
A Strong Plan To Support Our Multicultural Communities
Children as young as nine face mass sexual violence and mutilation in the DRC – Save the Children
Rwanda Bill threatens to undermine independence of judiciary, UN experts say: UK
Training for Faith Leaders and CALD Communities to extend care to women and children in crisis
UN expert: No time to lose as UK declares violence against women a “national threat”
RADF funding open for Townsville arts projects
Security Council Press Statement on Terrorist Attacks in Pishin and Qila Saifullah, Balochistan, Pakistan
“End the blatant hypocrisy” – Faruqi calls on Wong to restore funding to UNRWA
New citizens welcomed in Australia Day citizenship ceremony
Wyndham’s young Person of month 11 January
Foreign language is transforming brain
Last chance to nominate a local hero for an Australia Day Award as deadline is extended
Security Council Press Statement on Violence in South Sudan and Abyei
Minawi wins Modern Middle East Studies Association book prize
Councillors appointed to represent Surf Coast Shire on peak bodies
New guide offers billion dollar solution to tech talent gap
More than 400 Rohingya children arrive by boat in Indonesia in past week as more refugees risk lives at sea
Dutton’s backseat driving continues
Don’t forget to submit a nomination for the City of Wollongong Awards
Proposed response to High Court decision imposes harsh conditions on refugees
Albanese’s Tampa Moment
Memo Labor: Don’t let Peter Dutton write immigration detention laws again
High Court decision may lead to redress for falsely imprisoned refugees
Statement from Allens on High Court decision
Victorian Liberals to get Vietnamese Museum back on track
We Bleed Same exhibition celebrates diversity and unity
Awake to the dangers of fatigue
Call for WHO’s Fifth Health for All Film Festival opens to amplify voices of champions of health
Jenin Mother Reveals Heartbreaking Impact of Israeli Raids in West Bank Refugee Camps: “Our Children Sleep with Their Hands Raised”
Financial support available to promote cultural diversity and social inclusion in the ACT
Little farm with big conscience
Multicultural advisory council focuses on youth engagement
Sister City agreement signed with Ukraine’s Lozova City
Green Connect Illawarra launches new ‘Pick Your Produce’ Fruit and Veg Boxes
New framework to guide refugee settlement outcomes in Australia
Local group to support Techno Park residents to find housing
Toowoomba turns blue in solidarity with Israel
Adelaide Welcomes World Leaders in Human Rights and Trauma Recovery
Labor offers Liberal solutions to Immigration crisis
New research highlights common bond between refugees and Australia’s First Nations peoples
Briefs Boys to air their ‘Dirty Laundry’ in risqué show
Council to continue investigating avenue of flags
City of Newcastle confers its newest Australian citizens