Upgrading Cycling Routes In Sandringham

We’re starting works on the Cycle Sandringham project mid-June, for up to one month, weather permitting.

The upgrade is improving safety for cyclists, and road and footpath users. The improvements include markings on footpaths and roads, signage, a new footpath-to-road ramp on Royal Avenue and installing a new traffic island on the Melrose Street and Beach Road intersection.

In early 2023 we engaged with the community about Stage 1 of the Sandringham to Cheltenham bike route connection. Council officers considered the extensive community consultation feedback and information from key stakeholders. These considerations led to the adjustment of the proposed route. At the November 2023 Council meeting, Council endorsed the adjusted route and a new staged delivery approach.

The Stage 1 route includes:

  • Melrose Street – between Station Street and Beach Road
  • Beach Road – between Melrose Street and Royal Avenue
  • Royal Avenue – between Beach Road and Fernhill Road

To ensure the safety of project works, and path and road users, there will be some limited access to parking, footpaths, roads, and driveways throughout the project. Traffic management will reduce these temporary impacts.

Visit the project page

/Public Release. View in full here.