Committee on Enforced Disappearances to visit Colombia


GENEVA/ BOGOTA – The UN Committee on Enforced Disappearances will visit Colombia from 21 November to 5 December 2024 to strengthen accountability and protections against enforced disappearances.

Under article 33 of the International Convention for the Protection of all Persons from Enforced Disappearance, the Committee can request to visit a State party upon receiving reliable information indicating serious violations of the Convention.

The delegation will travel to Bogotá, Cali, Cúcuta, Medellín, Santa Marta and Villavicencio to hold discussions with government officials responsible for investigating and preventing enforced disappearances, locating disappeared people, and in charge of establishing and implementing related public policies. They will also meet victims, civil society organisations, international organisations, as well as national and human rights institutions.

The experts will attend exhumations and other proceedings to search for disappeared people, as conducted by the authorities. In addition, the delegation will visit places of deprivation of liberty, such as prisons and detention centres, to examine how they operate their registration system, which is a critical safeguard to prevent enforced disappearances.

“The Committee welcomes Colombia’s agreement for this visit,” said Olivier de Frouville, Chair of the Committee. “It shows the State party’s willingness to ensure progress in combating this heinous crime. We hope that this visit will allow strengthening the cooperation between State authorities and the Committee to promote the full implementation of the Convention for the Protection of all Persons against Enforced Disappearances.”

At the end of their visit, the delegation will share their preliminary observations with the Government of Colombia. They will also host a press conference on 5 December, at 9am local time, at the premises of OHCHR in Bogotá.

The Committee will publish a full public report in March next year containing its conclusions and recommendations.

The CED delegation will be composed of Carmen Rosa Villa Quintana, member and former chair of the Committee, and Juan Pablo Albán Alencastro, Rapporteur of the Committee.

/Public Release. View in full here.