The State Government is today announcing a new committee which will advise the South Australian Housing Trust Board on improving housing outcomes for Aboriginal people.
Minister for Human Services Michelle Lensink said the committee will advise the Board on a range of housing challenges and help shape outcomes for Aboriginal communities across the state.
“This committee will help us achieve a variety of outcomes including increasing the SA Housing Authority’s capacity to recruit and retain Aboriginal staff, as well as help shape the State Government’s new Housing and Homelessness Strategy,” said Minister Lensink.
“The committee will also advise the Board on the development of an Aboriginal Housing Strategy for South Australia, due by the end of the year.”
“We want to ensure we continue to meet the needs of Aboriginal South Australians and there is no doubt the board will benefit hugely from this specialist guidance and insight when they consider new housing policy and services.
“The members of this new committee will bring together a broad range of expertise and experience to inform the Board’s strategic priorities and will assist in direct engagement with Aboriginal communities.
The appointed members represent both government and non-government sectors and bring a wealth of knowledge and a broad range of expertise to the table.
“I look forward to working with our new Aboriginal advisory committee as we work together to improve housing outcomes for Aboriginal people in South Australia – that is our aim,” said Minister Lensink.
The committee members are:
• Shona Reid (Chairperson), South Australian Housing Trust Board member
• Dr Roger Thomas, Commissioner for Aboriginal Engagement
• Ms April Lawrie, Commissioner for Aboriginal Children and Young People
• Ms Olive Bennell, Anglicare
• Ms Deb Moyle, Red Cross • Ms Eunice Aston, business owner
• Mr Klynton Wanganeen, CEO Narungga Nation Aboriginal Corporation
• Mr Wayne Miller, CEO Ceduna Aboriginal Corporation
• Mr Zibeon Fielding, Nganampa Health
• Mr Kyran Dixon, Ernst & Young