Latest dipole News

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ATHA Energy Announces Assay Results From 2024 Angilak Exploration Program Including Intersect Grades Up to 5.85% U3O8 and Releases Exploration Target Model…
Is Australia’s climate confusing you? Here’s why rainfall and temperatures don’t always behave as expected
New research reveals influences on La Niña and El Niño weather conditions
Two New Exhibitions At SECCA This Month: Bega Valley
Australia No Longer In El Niño Event
Australia’s climate in 2023: Warmer with contrasting rainfall
Council adopts new changes to Armidale’s drought management plan
Fire services ready for bushfire season
Market outlook after El Niño and positive IOD announced
Largest herd in decade begins to destock
The Bureau declares El Nino and positive Indian Ocean Dipole events
Winter crop production to fall from consecutive record highs
Correction on cards as La Nina retreats
Australia’s climate in 2022: wetter and warmer than average overall
High-Power Electrostatic Actuators to Realize Artificial Muscles
Bureau’s severe weather long-range forecast shows risk of flooding and early tropical cyclone
La Nina event declared – above average rainfall likely for eastern Australia
Rain and thunderstorms to impact southern and eastern Australia
Wetter than average spring for Australia’s east
“Exceptional” August atmospheric river sets record
Hawkesbury residents implore Minns to support calls to lower water levels in Warragamba
Climate Driver Update – Wet outlook continues with increased chance of La Nina developing this spring
Climate Driver Update – Wet outlook continues with increased chance of La Nia developing this spring
Wet outlook continues with negative Indian Ocean Dipole event underway
2022 off to searing start
Key climate drivers behind record rainfall in New South Wales
La Nina ends with potential return later in 2022
La Nina slowly weakening into winter but above average rainfall expected for eastern Australia
La Nina set to continue until early winter; wetter than average conditions forecast
Neutral weather pattern expected to resume
Australia’s wettest November on record
Revising generalized spin current theory for magnetoelectric effect in multiferroics
Graphene’s potential to improve magnetic measurements for accelerators
Wetter than average conditions likely for most of country in winter
ISOLDE scores a first with laser spectroscopy of short-lived radioactive molecules
Lucio Rossi receives a prize from European Physical Society
HL-LHC equipment installed on both sides of ALICE experiment
Bureau looks ahead to autumn following a wetter end to a hot, dry summer
Final stretch for diode insulation in LHC