Latest tumor News

KBH receives over 35 million in research grants from the Swedish Research Council
Discovery Of New Tumor Cell Type In Childhood Cancer
Mum has ‘miracle’ babies after overcoming ovarian tumour
NextGenNK Members Take Part in Stockholm’s GRK 2727 Workshop
Ludwig Cancer Research Scientists to Present at AACR Annual Meeting
Pradeepa Pushparaj is awarded Sven Gard´s scholarship 2024
Carina Biotech doses first patient in Phase 1/2a trial of LGR5-Targeted CAR-T cell therapy
Taming hedgehog to treat osteosarcoma
Chief Minister to take leave
Ludwig Princeton study finds cancers are metabolically sluggish and thrifty
More than one way to skin tumor
Leave for Member for Nightcliff 21 February
Cataloguing brain cancer in children- Hudson Institute celebrates new funding
Targeting Stem Cell Signaling Could Halt Liver Cancer Progression Elucidating novel therapeutic target
Tissue-engineered prostate tumours shed light on cancer spread
UniSA’s Spanish collaboration, a quest to treat skin cancer
Web of death
Cells communicate by doing ‘wave’
Benign gynecologic lesions more common than reported
Image challenge: unusual calcified lesions of liver and lung in a young woman
New insight into breast cancer resistance to hormone therapy
A new Keyplayer in cell division
Combined drug treatment for lung cancer and secondary tumors
Dismantling drug resistance in colorectal cancer
Building a safer CAR-T therapy
Robert Schreiber joins Ludwig Institute’s Scientific Advisory Committee
Micro-scaled method holds promise for cancer diagnosis
Protein AKAP8 suppresses breast cancer metastasis
‘Ancient’ system unlocks cancer secrets
Douglas Hanahan appointed Distinguished Scholar of Ludwig Institute for Cancer Research
Ping-Chih Ho appointed Associate Member of Ludwig Institute for Cancer Research
AI can be used to detect and grade prostate cancer
Discoveries detail role of stem cell in deadly gastric cancer
Cancer-like metabolism makes brain grow
Using a chip to find better cancer fighting drugs
Possible strategy for cancer treatment found in nuclear transport proteins
Virus multiplication in 3D
Tumor protein analysis reveals potential cancer players
Chemists’ calculations may advance cancer prediction
Mechanism reprograms breast cancer to become metastatic
Ludwig researchers engineer car-t cells to resist exhaustion, attack solid tumors in mice
Multiplexed C dots track cancer cells to improve patient care
Proton radiotherapy better for pediatric brain cancer patients
Cancer associated with a more than doubled risk of dying from stroke
Ludwig Lausanne’s Ping-Chih Ho named an embo young investigator
A new pathway for lung cancer treatment
Research confirms, over 60% of neuroendocrine cancer patients are Stage 4 when diagnosed
World NET Cancer Day: research confirms, over 60% of neuroendocrine cancer patients are Stage 4 when