Latest Europe News

Anzac Day Gallipoli and France 2024 Accessing Host Broadcast & Stills Imagery
Climate Reporting Across Jurisdictions: Mapping Applicability and Charting a Course Forward
Peter Higgs’ famous particle discovery is now at the heart of strategies to unlock the secrets of the universe
Large-scale genetic study finds new link between Irritable Bowel Syndrome and the cardiovascular system
New analysis recognises 150+ years of agriculture statistics with new data coming soon
Minister To Europe For OECD Meeting, Anzac Day
2024 Is Year Of Slimmed Down ‘stay-cay’
Pioneering Research Wins Prestigious EU Funding
AI chatbots refuse to produce ‘controversial’ output − why that’s a free speech problem
Could Albanese’s bet on homegrown green industries be the boost our regions deserve?
Australia’s new defence strategy is big on ideas, but lacks one key ingredient: well-trained soldiers
Experts of the Committee on the Elimination of Racial Discrimination Note Albania’s Legislation to Combat Racism in Sport, Ask about Asylum Agreement…
Saturn’s ocean moon Enceladus is able to support life − my research team is working out how to detect extraterrestrial cells there
Apple ramps up investment in clean energy and water around the world
Ashurst advises the lenders of VINCI Concessions on green project financing for EV-charging infrastructure
OzGrav 2.0: A new era of astrophysics launched at Swinburne
Macquarie Green Energy and Climate Opportunities Fund acquires portfolio of six investments
AI is making smart devices – watches, speakers, doorbells – easier to hack. Here’s how to stay safe
Medicinal cannabis company Little Green Pharma (ASX:LGP) records record quarterly revenue and cash receipts
Opinion piece: Future Made in Australia will drive our place in new global economy
Frustrated Jet In Centre Of Milky Way
Microsoft invests $1.5 billion in Abu Dhabi’s G42 to accelerate AI development and global expansion 
First Turkish patient treated with OncoSil cancer treatment device
Archie Moore presents kith and kin at the Australia Pavilion for the 60th International Art Exhibition of La Biennale di Venezia
From thousands to millions to billions to trillions to quadrillions and beyond: Do numbers ever end?
Anzac Day Gallipoli and France 2024 Accessing Host Broadcast & Stills Imagery
Researchers Investigate the Dietary Impacts of Dairy within the Japanese Population
Australia now has a $70 ‘shadow price’ on carbon emissions. Here’s why we won’t see a real price any time soon
Cause of rare genetic condition discovered
Darwin Welcomes Over 3,500 Royal Princess Passengers
Nitazenes found in 5 overdose deaths in Philly – here’s what they are and why they’re so deadly
Silence is not an option for First Nations’ content in Australian schools
Green economy summit: how can Australia get more from its relationship with Vietnam?
The Petrov affair: how a real-life Cold War defection became a soothing spy story for anxious Australians
One year since beginning of conflict, ACFID urges Australia to join its like-minded partners in Sudan response
Navigating an unstable global environment
Australian Prime Minister Television interview – ABC 7.30
NZ and US to undertake further practical Pacific cooperation
Ashurst advises on the £378 million recommended takeover of Lok’nStore Group plc
International aid rises in 2023 with increased support to Ukraine and humanitarian needs
Manchester researchers awarded prestigious funding to pursue projects that could lead to major scientific breakthroughs
Personalized cancer treatments based on testing drugs quickly leads to faster treatment, better outcomes
HKUST, HKMA and HKIMR Host Global CBDC Conference Featuring Expert Insights from Asia, Europe, and North America
International EU Project Meeting At IMM
Australian Science Key To Future Made In Australia
From RSV to meningococcal B, we must ensure equitable access to childhood immunisations
Pacific cities much older than previously thought